Teacher helping student with special needs

About Tortoise Education

Just like a tortoise, we believe on slowing down the pace of life and allowing children to explore the world around them with their natural curiosity. Because we understand that each student learns differently, Tortoise Education is committed to creating a personalized learning experience that fosters growth, confidence, and success. All children– especially those with gifted and special needs– are able to benefit from this structure.

We believe that every child deserves a quality education and the most effective way in doing so is by supporting their true teachers in life: their families. Our mission is to provide assistance to parents and families as they work with their child by being a reliable resource to refer to when needed. We will provide a framework that paces out the Florida state standards over the year, work with you to identify and integrate the supplies and materials you find most appropriate, and continue to provide support for your child’s academic success. We are not to take over your child’s education but to support you in your role as a parent.

Program beginning June 2024.

Now accepting waitlist registrations.


Package 1 – Individual Items

Package 2 – Extended Support

Package 3 – Framework-Only

Package 4 – Full Service

Package 1
Individual Items
Package 2
Extended Support
Package 3
Package 4
Full Service
Price$60 per month$240 per year$600 per year
Introductory Workshop Meeting(Included)(Included)
Curriculum Framework
(Grades K – 5 currently available)
Consultation, Email(Included)(Included)(Included)
Consultation, Video Chat$12 per 10 minute sessionUp to 60 minutes worth of sessions per month, then:

$10 per 10 minute session
Up to 60 minutes worth of sessions over the yearUp to 360 minutes worth of sessions over the year, then:

$8 per 10 minute online session
Tutoring, Video Chat$12 per 10 minute sessionUp to 60 minutes worth of sessions per month, then:

$10 per 10 minute session
Up to 60 minutes worth of sessions over the yearUp to 360 minutes worth of sessions over the year, then:

$8 per 10 minute session

  1. Session times may vary each week to best accommodate each family ↩︎

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